The Day Gustave Photographed the Twins
Gustave Le Gray was one of the most important photographers of the 19th century and his cabinet cards are always an inspiration. Now, for the record, Gustave Le Gray did not take a picture like this one that I know of...but these sweet twins dressed in their finery posing in front of decorative screens brought Gustave to mind.
So, let's pretend Gustave is in front of these two little girls, gently asking them
"s'il vous plaît, les filles prétendent qu'il y a quelque chose d'intéressant derrière les écrans ... puis maintenez cette pose"
"please girls pretend there is something of interest behind the screens...and then hold that pose..."
and so they did just that...
diptych, two separate 18 x 24" canvases framed in silver and black floater frames.
So, let's pretend Gustave is in front of these two little girls, gently asking them
"s'il vous plaît, les filles prétendent qu'il y a quelque chose d'intéressant derrière les écrans ... puis maintenez cette pose"
"please girls pretend there is something of interest behind the screens...and then hold that pose..."
and so they did just that...
diptych, two separate 18 x 24" canvases framed in silver and black floater frames.